The most vital thing that a bank or a lender does before granting a loan or handing money to the borrower is evaluating the potential borrower. The bank tries to understand the risk of possible default by the borrower on this line of credit, which is called as credit risk assessment. Credit analysis by a […]
Capital Budgeting Techniques for Small Business
A small business is a significant part of a country’s economy. These small businesses provide business opportunities to budding entrepreneurs and help in the creation of meaningful jobs. In a country like UAE, they form the backbone of the economy. According to the UAE Ministry of Economy, they account for more than 80% of the […]
7 Reasons to Outsource your Financial Management
Financial management of a company is crucial as it plays a vital role in the sustenance and growth of the business. However, it can become a nightmare for very successful companies. The more profitable a business grows, the more complicated the financial management of the company becomes. Handling the various invoices, keeping track of the […]