It is a well-known fact that accounting stands as one of the essential pillars of any business irrespective of nature and size. It is so important for a business that Accounting is considered the language of businesses. This is because if a credible person looks at the accounting data of a company then he or […]
Seek Approved Auditors in JAFZA for Business Planning
A business idea gets implemented after rigorous hard-work and brainstorming. However, in the corporate world, another essential catalyst that needs to be involved at every stage of a business is planning. Any entrepreneur or business professional can achieve success only if a proper plan has been built, considering all the possible aspects. The complete business […]
Different Methods of Error Detection While Auditing
Mistakes are made by every business entity but detecting and understanding their mistake and then taking remedial action at the proper time should be focused on more. Error detection is significant for any business as even a small error can wreak havoc over the company. These errors may or may not be caused intentionally. An […]
How Business Valuation Turns out to be Profitable for SMEs?
Small and Medium enterprises stand as the backbone of a nation. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the SMEs constitute 95% of the total enterprise population, which employs around 43% of the entire workforce. From a holistic point of view, we can say that the SMEs stand as a primary source of entrepreneurship, innovation and […]
How Bad Debts can affect a Business
Many times, a company has plans for the future of the company but does not have the appropriate funds to see these plans through. Under such circumstances, the company can opt for loans or borrow money from various other sources to fulfil its plans. Off late, debt is considered as a fundamental part of the […]
Financial Literacy: A Key to Millennial’s Aspirations
All of us aspire to create the right amount of wealth and manage our finances in a better way. However, these things seem too complicated when it comes to practice. There is not enough knowledge sharing about the subject – how money works. In the UAE, financial literacy is an issue and the world in […]
Effects of Business Restructuring on Business
The business environment is an ever-changing thing which is affected by many factors. It should be taken care that the business should always be flexible enough to change itself according to the prevalent fashion. If the company is not able to keep up with the changes in the business environment, the company may have to […]
How Can Accounting Help the Logistics & Cargo Service Business in the UAE?
This shrinking world owes a lot to the logistics and cargo service business. The free and quick transfer of goods assists the companies to have a global presence all around the world. This has been possible due to the various breakthrough innovations in the last few years. These innovations have not only helped create a […]
Why is Accounting the Life Blood of Any Business?
A business enters into multiple transactions in its entire life cycle. Be it debtors or creditors, or customers and bad debts, money is involved in every part of the business. This involvement of finance in every component needs to maintain accountability. Maintaining these business transactions is referred to as bookkeeping, wherein the accounting procedure involves […]
The Difference Between the 4 Kinds of Audit Reports
Finance is the fuel on which any business runs. Without ample funding, no firm can survive. However, analysing the financial aspects of a firm is what helps a firm use the least amount of finance to be most productive, thereby achieving maximum efficiency. An audit report is a statement containing the audit’s opinion, which is […]