In recent years, the United Arab Emirates has now considered a breeding ground for businesses from all over the world and has taken up various measures to attract entrepreneurs and people in business from all around the world. The United Arab Emirates is now considered the gateway to the Middle East. As soon as we […]
Bad Debts Accounting: How Bad Debts Can Affect Your Business
In the corporate world, business relations are based on one crucial factor known as “Trust”, based on which an entity ends up dealing with other entities. The involvement of other business entities or individuals is categorised into two halves: debtor and creditor. A business needs to maintain separate records for its debtors and creditors because […]
The VAT on Transportation Services provided by Educational Institutions
According to the Federal Tax Authority, UAE, the supply of education services provided by Institutions is zero-rated subject to the conditions and criteria laid down under Article 40 of the Cabinet Decision No. 52 of 2017 on the Executive Regulations of the Federal Decree-Law No 8 of 2017 on Value Added Tax (ER). However, the […]
Need for Approved Auditors in RAKEZ
The importance of free-zones in the United Arab Emirates is well known to all. These free zones allow a foreigner or even a local to set up a business in the zone straightforwardly and quickly. These free zones have their administration which will enable them to cater to the businesses in the area an also […]
How to Protect Your Company from Being Insolvent?
Establishing a company and holding a physical existence for the same requires continuous efforts at every point. The initial phase requires rigorous planning, brainstorming, dedication, and of course, the will to succeed. However, once you incorporate and get a company registration certificate, or carry out the business activities, do you think that’s enough? Building a […]
Use of Analytics in Internal Audit
Every person who has delved deep into the business world knows the importance of doing an internal audit of the company. An internal audit will not only help the management to understand the present situation of the company but will also allow them to take control of the current condition of the company and make decisions for […]
How to Recover from a Low Audit Ranking?
The corporate world is a competitive market where the business entities constantly compete to gain a better position, fame, with an ultimate goal of acquiring profit from its targeted customers. Now, the definition of a good or a bad company can be defined, only if, one knows the inside proceedings of business. Audit plays precisely […]
Audit Report-A Vital Instrument for Every Business
In the corporate world, the business entities have to undergo the audit process that stands as a mandate, irrespective of the size and nature of business. The ground of Dubai stands as one of the most prominent business grounds for the business owners and investors to come forward and set up their business. At the […]
All You Need to Know About VAT – Are You Prepared?
We all know that the United Arab Emirates has copious amounts of reserves of oil and gas and have a very flourishing Hydrocarbon industry. Except for Dubai, the country of UAE is heavily dependent on revenue from the oil and gas sector. The hydrocarbon sector plays a considerable role in the economy of the UAE. […]
The Challenge of Raising Capital for your Business
In current times, the notion of having one’s own business is a prevalent idea. This is the reason that there is an increase in the Small and Medium Enterprises all over the world. Many entrepreneurs have the idea to start a new business but very less are able to get the required funding for the […]