If you’ve been controlling your own personal finances for years, how tough can it be to transforming to managing your business’s finances? Finance is finance, right? Not really. Learning the differences between business finance and individual finance and how to manage them accordingly is one of the biggest learning curves for all the business owners. […]
How can a Tax Consultant help your Business?
Every business has to deal with taxes at some point in time. There are many complications while dealing with taxes. as the business starts to get traction, it gets more and more profitable which leads to an increase in the size of the company. As the size of the company increases, the management has to […]
Reasons For Accounting Diversity
There are business opportunities all over the world but every jurisdiction has their own accounting standards and financial reporting standards. This makes it very important for a business management to keep a track of all the different accounting systems. Why do financial reporting practices vary across countries? The Accounting experts have hypothesized various influences on […]
Retire and Relax in Dubai – Retirement Visa
The city of Dubai is considered the poster child of the Middle East. It is one of the most open cities in the middle east and welcomes tourists with open arms. This is the reason people of many ethnicities can be found in Dubai. With different ethnicities present in the city, people from all over […]
Modern Audit Techniques and Tools for Audit
A grocery shop keeper started the business with several branches with minimum possible capital. When the business started to prosper, the activities flourished as the Sales doubled, Working capital increased, Statutory regulations strengthened, business locations multiplied, business relations widened. Isn’t his entire business process becoming too complex? We can relate the same to that of […]
How to Find a Tax Adviser Suitable for your Company
For any business, tax time is both demanding and exciting. The business’ yearly tax return offers valuable insights into revenue as well as expenses and annual growth. A tax advisor is an accounting expert who specializes in the complex tax code, and who uses that expertise to help taxpayers reduce their tax burden. In this […]
What is Cost Audit
Cost audit is the authentication of cost accounts to discover the accuracy of cost accounting records. It is a method to ensure that cost accounting records track the costing principles, procedures, plans, and objectives. We can also say that cost audit is the comprehensive checking as well as the verification of the accuracy of costing […]
Role of Forensic Accountants in Fraud Examination
Money is in the centre of all the crimes which have been committed and the latest trend is of committing online fraud. Online fraud is now the most recurrent crime that mainly includes identity theft. Fraud comes in several forms and can range from small value thefts up to extensive corruption within global businesses. Legal […]
ESR Amendment – Reporting Requirements and Penalties
The United Arab Emirates is one of the best places for setting up and conducting business. In the past, we have seen many reputed companies setting up their headquarters in the Middle East. In the Middle Eastern region, the United Arab Emirates is considered one of the best locations due to many reasons. Some of […]
ESR Amendment – Important Changes in the Definition
The United Arab Emirates has gradually become one of the most attractive countries for setting up a business, and it is because of this reason there is an increase in the number of entities conducting business in the country. With the increase in business activities, there has also been an increase in fraudulent activities by […]